Saturday, July 20, 2013

Waiting in Beijing (part 2)

Sorry... This is my first time to update our blog from the iPad, and I'm experiencing some difficulties. So, the easiest thing for me to do is to post this in two parts.

Our third and final day consisted of seeing and climbing a very small part of the Great Wall. There were a TON of steps, but so exciting to finally see!

We repacked our suitcases tonight because in the morning we are heading out for Abram's province. It has been a wonderful time in Beijing, but we are ready to leave so we can finally meet our son!! 

But before we go, I wanted to post some funny pictures about common things we have seen in Beijing... 
1) We take tons of pictures everyday with the Chinese. They just walk right up to us and ask in their best English if they can take a picture with us. We feel like we are famous; it is so fun! On the Great Wall I think I took about 15 pictures in a row with different people. 
2) The men here are always walking around with their shirts up because it is so hot. You see it everywhere! Chris and one of the families we are traveling with couldn't resist playing along and taking a picture with a local, and finally... 
3) The famous split pants. I've heard about these and couldn't wait to see them. It's the pants they put their toddlers in to make potty training easier. So funny!!


  1. What a fun little "babymoon"! Love those pictures at the end. I'm so excited for y'all's gotcha day!!!

  2. you're traveling with brittani lots i believe and her cutie patootie!!!!! so happy for you!!!!!!

  3. Cant wait to see what is to follow!
