Monday, July 15, 2013

Prayers as We Get Ready...

I can hardly believe that in less than 48 hours we will be on a plane headed to Beijing.  I can't wrap my mind around the thought that after 2 years of preparing for this, we are less than a week away from meeting our beautiful son, Abram.

Our house looks like a tornado hit it... trying to pack everything we could possibly need into one suitcase and two carry-ons is no small feat. I have compiled all packing lists from other adoptive families and made more trips to Target than I care to admit.  Packing for Chris and I is easy, but packing as first time parents to a 21-month old is a little more complicated.

We are experiencing a range of emotions from excited to worried to anxious to just plain happy.  Of course, I have another list for you... I do love my lists.  This time it's a list of specific prayers that we would appreciate you lifting up to our Heavenly Father while we are going through this journey...

1.  Peace:  We are praying that God will fill us with His peace in this time of uncertainty.  We have no idea what to expect and really what we are doing and we just need His peace.  Also, peace for sweet Abram's heart.  That God would calm his heart during this huge transition he is about to experience.

2.  Wisdom: I know this is a prayer for all first time parents, so this request shouldn't shock you.  I was talking to a friend at church today and I told him, "I don't just want to wing this, I want my parenting to be intentional." This can only be done through God's wisdom.

3.  Health: I (Stephanie) suffer from extreme motion sickness on a daily basis.  We are having to do a ton of traveling in China once we get Abram on every form of transportation possible. I am praying for God to take the nausea away from me so I can focus on loving and caring for Abram while we are traveling.  I usually go to sleep right when I get in my seat, and that really isn't an option now.  I know Chris is there, too, but I don't want to feel sick at all. I want to enjoy every minute of this!

4.  School: We are blessed that Chris is able to go with us on our three week trip, but just because he is leaving doesn't mean his classes stop. He is missing three weeks of intensive math courses.  Pray for him as he tries to keep up with his studies and that he is able to catch back up when we return.

5.  Attachment:  This is huge! Please pray that when we return home our attachment phases go well and that Abram is able to form healthy attachments. This is vital for his development and well-being.  I know we have a "plan" but it is God who is in complete control.

Thank you for not only praying for us while we are gone, but thank you for the prayers you have already lifted up on our behalf.  We have felt them along every step of the way.  Because we can't thank each of you individually, please know how much we truly appreciate all of them!

Keep checking our blog over the next three weeks to see pictures and read updates! Oh, and Chris is busy cramming all our stuff into bags, so please excuse the typo-s.  He usually proof reads these before I post them, but I'm on my own! :)


  1. I'll be praying for you! This is so exciting and such a gift from God. Yall are going to be great parents, perfect for Abram!

  2. SO EXCITING! We will be praying for you! Enjoy your last 2 days before parenthood changes your lives forever!! Looking forward to pictures. :)
