Tuesday, February 19, 2019

A Season of Love!

Our boys love Valentine's Day... mainly because of the candy, but who can blame them? Chris and I saw this day as a great way to talk to them about how much Jesus loves us, how He loves us more than anyone and how we can't earn or lose His love. 

I try to make the whole day special, with goodies and heart shaped food. For breakfast they had heart-shaped cinnamon rolls and heart-shaped strawberries. For their lunch at school, their peanut butter and jelly sandwich was shaped like a heart and for dinner... our pizza, was yes, shaped like a heart,  too! They loved all of our food!

Enjoying fun dip at the park after school.

My three sweet hearts!

Eating their marshmallow treats from Aunt Julie! 

Going through all their Valentine goodies! So fun!

Our heart shaped pizza! Yummy!

This year we took turns adding hearts to our Valentine banner. Every morning, when it was their day, the boys would tell me something they loved. I let them completely do it on their own. I loved the finished product!

We had such a fun Valentine season... and we are still enjoying all the candy!!